Author: FoRR
2025 tour dates out!
Our annual Rugby Foundations tour to Rwanda is currently being planned. The dates will be 22nd May – June 1st 2025. We are taking expressions of interest so if you would like to sign up or find out more please get in touch.
FoRR-Rugby-foundations-tour-2025Third Quarterly Newsletter 2024
The schools are closed in July and August, so our RDOs keep busy with community sessions and trainings for teachers in our Tag for Teachers program. We are delighted to welcome three new RDOs to the team. Check out our latest newsletter to find out what the team has been up to…..
FoRR-Newsletter-Issue-18-July-September-2024-Introducing T1 Rugby to Rwanda
During the volunteers’ tour in May, all of our RDOs received training to become T1 rugby coaches. T1 is a new game that has been introduced by World Rugby. We are very grateful to World Rugby for giving us some funding to deliver the training over five days. Read our special edition newsletter to find out more…
FoRR-Newsletter-Special-Edition-May-2024-introducing-T1-rugby-in-RwandaSecond quarterly newsletter for 2024
April, May and June are always busy months for our RDOs as this is the final term of the academic year and the schools they have been working with are ready for tournaments.
Read our latest newsletter to find out what FoRR has been doing.
FoRR-Newsletter-Issue-17-April-June-2024-Rugby Foundations Tour 2024
We have just returned from the 17th Annual tour to Rwanda. We had a very successful trip introducing tag rugby to primary schools in Musanze District and introducing World Rugby’s T1 rugby game to Rwanda. All 18 RDOs are now trained T1 rugby coaches and Rwanda held its first ever T1 competition.
Read our newsletter to find out more!
FoRR-Newsletter-Special-Edition-Volunteer-RF-Coaches-Tour-May-2024First newsletter for 2024
Our RDOs have started term 2 well working with thousands of children in hundreds of schools. We have also started working in two refugee camps in Rwanda. Find out more in our latest newsletter.
FoRR-Newsletter-Issue-16-January-March-2024-Mahama Refugee Camp
In September 2023 we appointed a new RDO, Emmanuel, to work in the District of Kirehe. The main reason for choosing Kirehe was that there is a large UNHCR run refugee camp there.
Mahama-report-jan-24The plan was that Emmanuel could provide the young people at the camp with organised sport and introduce them to rugby.
We have been delighted with the impact Emmanuel has made.
We are now trying to source some funding to extend this program and we hope that one of our other RDOs will soon be working in Kigeme Camp in Nyamagabe.
Friends of Rwandan Rugby Diversity Policy
Final newsletter for 2023
Here is the last newsletter for 2023 which has been a busy year. We have taken on 4 new RDOs in 4 new districts. We are now working in more than half of the districts in Rwanda delivering thousands of sessions of organised sport to thousands of children in communities and schools.
Many thanks for all the help and support we have received over the year!
Here’s to 2024 – we have lots of plans!
FoRR-Newsletter-Issue-15-October-December-2023-Our third quarterly newsletter for 2023
Despite the fact that the schools have been closed for the summer holidays for most of this quarter, we have kept busy. Find out what we have been up to …….
FoRR-Newsletter-Issue-14-July-Sept-2023-Tag for Teachers
We have more requests from schools than we can manage and often the schools are too far away for our RDOs to visit. So we came up with a solution: Tag for Teachers (TFT) is a training course delivered by our RDOs to primary school teachers. As well as a full day’s course for two teachers per school, the schools receive all of the equipment they need to deliver Tag Rugby in their schools. Our RDOs still provide advice and support and when the schools are ready we organise a tournament. We are very grateful to the Bill McLaren Foundation and the Barbarians Charitable trust for funding this program.
Marion Swindle from STRAWBERRY INK has designed this fantastic booklet free of charge!
FoRR-TFT-Training-ManualRugby y’Abana Bato
We have produced a fantastic new resource aimed at lower primary and nursery school children.
Our RDOs have all been trained to deliver this fun program which has so much to offer.
Rugby-y’Abana-BatoOur second quarterly newsletter for 2023
It has been busy – our team of RDOs have been working in schools with thousands of children, running trainings for teachers to deliver tag rugby, attending the annual rugby foundations tour and running tournaments!
Read on to find out more!
FoRR-Newsletter-Issue-13-April-June-2023-2023 Rugby Foundations Tour
In May / June 2023 17 volunteers travelled to Rwanda for our 16th Annual trip. Find out more by reading our special edition newsletter.
FoRR-Newsletter-Special-Edition-Volunteer-RF-Coaches-Tour-May-20232023 Team in Rwanda
The team of RDOs in Rwanda is expanding. We are now up to 18 RDOs working in 17 Districts

If you or your club want to get involved either by fundraising or by donating kit then get in touch with us at
2023 RDO Team

We are delighted to be welcoming four more RDOs to the FoRR family. We now have 18 RDOs working throughout Rwanda. Great to see them looking so smart in their Rhino donated kit.
Our first newsletter for 2023 – Our RDOs have been busy and we are busy too – preparing for the annual tour in May.
FoRR-Newsletter-Issue-12-January-March-2023-3End of Year Newsletter
Our final newsletter for 2022. We have had a fantastic year and increased our team of RDOs. We ran two very successful volunteers’ tours and have finally been able to roll out the Tag for Teachers program. Really looking forward to see what 2023 will bring!
FoRR-Newsletter-Issue-11-June-December-2022Players’ Tour
For the first time ever we ran ‘back to back’ tours to Rwanda. Our Rugby Foundations tour was in May/early June and we worked with primary school children in Rwamagana.
The second group of volunteers arrived 5 days later. A group of 23 players, coaches, referees and trustees had a very busy 8 days. Read all about it in our second special edition newsletter!