News worth celebrating – we are delighted to announce that we are planning three tours to Rwanda from the UK over the next 10 months.

October 2019 – Journey to the World Cup Starts Here
Just as the World Cup 2019 ends the next one will start. And the very first qualifier for the 2023 tournament will be played by Rwanda! How exciting is that – their first ever qualifier for the World Cup.
They will be playing Ivory Coast on November 23rd. It will be a tough game as Ivory Coast are ranked well above the Silverbacks.
To help them be competitive we are sending a group of players and coaches led by Trustee and coach extraordinaire Matt Phillips. The purpose of the visit will be to coach and train with the Silverbacks to help prepare for them for the big game.
The tour will run from October 29th – November 7th 2019. We have had lots of interest but there is room for more players to join us. Email us at for more information or to book a place.
May 2020 – The Journey to the World Cup Continues
In May we are sending another group of players out to train with the Silverbacks and to continue with the work that was started in October’s trip. This trip will culminate in a game against the Silverbacks. We need a full squad of players for this trip. There are limited places remaining for this very exciting opportunity.
The trip will run from 21st – 31st May 2020
May 2020 – Rugby Foundations
Running at the same time as the above trip, Rugby Foundations is a trip to help develop the very beginnings of rugby by working with children from schools that have never seen a rugby ball before. Tourists will work alongside our RDOs to deliver tag rugby coaching in primary schools and also contact rugby training with secondary schools. The tour culminates in a very exciting Tag rugby tournament. There will also be time to return to Kigali at the end to watch the Silverbacks game mentioned above.
Suitable for coaches, teachers and enthusiasts.
Dates 21st – 31st May (with an additional departure date on 23rd May to allow teachers to fit the trip into the half term holiday.
For any other details, please contact us on